222. What Is Benevolent Capitalism?

Aug 21, 2024
self help podcast

Where are you currently functioning from with business and money?

In this episode of Choice, Change and Action Simone Milasas talks with the founder of Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas, about Benevolent Capitalism.

Capitalism is the motive to make a profit. Benevolence is the desire for the greatest good. Without going into definition, the underlying energy of Benevolent Capitalism is about living in the question of how to create and generate more, for the greatest good of all and the land. It’s about looking for the greatest possibilities. 

Look at and recognize what you are currently choosing in your life and business, and ask yourself what it is that you actually want to choose. 

Key Takeaways

  • The Greater Good For All
  • Decide What You Want To Choose
  • Acknowledge People For What They Are Good At
  • Lean Into Possibilities
  • Know When To Gift And When Not To
  • Benevolent Capitalism And Money
  • Including The Land

Use These Questions

  • "Does this match the energy of what it is I would like in my life?" 
  • "What can I do for you here? What is good for you?"
  • “What are the greatest possibilities?”
  • “Can I change this?”
  • “What else is possible?”
  • "What is going to work here?"

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