173. What Is Being In Allowance?
Sep 13, 2023
Could you be in allowance of somebody who shot your car? Would you stay in allowance if you lived with someone who continually challenged you to be all you can be?
Today’s episode is a little different. It is two short excerpts from the 30 Days of Relationships Done Different Challenge on being in total allowance. Join Simone Milasas for part of her interviews with the founder of Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas, and the co-creator, Dr. Dain Heer and find out who shot whose car and what it’s like to live with Gary Douglas.
Being in allowance is a different point of view. It allows you to be in with everything that is going on. If you have total allowance, of both yourself and others, you have total, unlimited choice.
And, being in allowance of others is such a gift. Just look at the energy of when someone is in allowance of you. It allows you to be more of you.
Keys to success
- Creating A Different World Through Allowance
- Are You In Allowance Of You?
- Gratitude Is Bigger Than Love
- Living With Gary Douglas
- Truly Living Allowance
- Connecting through Communion Rather Than Judgement
Daily Questions:
"Is there something else I can look at here? Is there something I have been avoiding to have a look at that if I actually looked at it and acknowledged it, it would change something I have been unwilling to change?"
Useful Links:
- The Clearing Statement explained
- Access Consciousness Website
- Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram
- The Choice and Contribution Membership
- Simone Milasas’ Website
- Simone Milasas’ Instagram
- Simone Milasas’ Facebook
- Simone Milasas’ YouTube
- Simone Milasas’ Contact Email
- Gary Douglas’ Website
- Gary Douglas’ Instagram
- Gary Douglas’ Facebook
- Dr. Dain Heer’s Website
- Dr. Dain Heer’s Instagram
- Dr. Dain Heer’s Facebook
- Dr. Dain Heer’s YouTube
- 30 Days of Relationships Done Different: What If You Could Be In Total Allowance Of All Your Relationships?