159. The Business of Access Consciousness - Part 2
Jun 07, 2023
Access Consciousness was not always as huge as it is today. Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, actually started off facilitating classes in his lounge room, and it has grown from there.
In this episode, Simone talks about the history of Access Consciousness since she joined, and how the classes have developed to what they are now.
Simone gets that some people believe Access always had this huge amount of success or there were always thousands of facilitators and people attending classes; it's not true. Simone actually started the first Hotmail address for Access, and assisted in creating their first website, to grow the awareness of Access amongst people when she met Gary Douglas 21 years ago. Her target was always to make sure that every single person knew that Access existed so they could choose it if they desired to choose it.
You don't have to choose the tools of Access Consciousness, but you are invited to check out its history and growth in this episode, from what it was previously to where it is today.
Keys to success
- You Are A Contribution To Access
- The History of Access Bars
- The Evolution of the Core Access Classes
- The Evolution of the Specialty Classes
- What If This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg?
- Acknowledge the Magic & Miracles for Expansion & Growth
Useful Links:
- The Clearing Statement explained
- Access Consciousness Website
- Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram
- The Choice and Contribution Membership
- Simone Milasas’ Website
- Simone Milasas’ Instagram
- Simone Milasas’ Facebook
- Simone Milasas’ YouTube
- Joy of Business book
- Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book
- Magic. You Are it. Be it. book
- Being You Changing The World book
- Free audio Chapter of the Being You Changing The World book