158. How I Started With Access Consciousness!
May 31, 2023
Have you ever wondered how Simone Milasas started with Access Consciousness? Are you intrigued to hear stories about her past?
In this episode, Simone tells us about meeting Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, and the choices she made following that.
Previously, Simone was a person who thought it normal to wake up crying every morning. She was heavily in debt, finding it difficult to scrape together enough money for an economy ticket overseas, and took drugs to escape this reality. But she just knew there had to be something different; there had to be more to life.
Now, she absolutely loves her life and living, working and playing around the world as an Access Consciousness facilitator as well as working with the Access Consciousness business.
What changed? Her point of view; with the assistance of Access Consciousness tools and processes. What can change for you?
Keys to success
- Simone’s ‘Now’
- Life Before Access Consciousness
- The Introduction
- Meeting Gary Douglas
- Simone’s First Overseas Class
- Part 2: The History of Access
Daily Questions
- "Who does this belong to?”
- "What can I receive today that I wasn't willing to receive yesterday?"
- "Universe, show me something I haven't been willing to receive."
- "Is this true for me?"
- "What would it take for people to show up who can contribute to the business that are greater than me?
Useful Links:
- The Clearing Statement explained
- Access Consciousness Website
- Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram
- The Choice and Contribution Membership
- Simone Milasas’ Website
- Simone Milasas’ Instagram
- Simone Milasas’ Facebook
- Simone Milasas’ YouTube
- Joy of Business book
- Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book
- Business Done Different class with Simone Milasas