121. Getting To Know Your Body & the Secrets to Great Sex
Sep 14, 2022
Are you grateful for your body? Do you have allowance for it? For years Simone used to dismiss her body and find it annoying, until she realised that judging your body does not create anything greater!
In this episode, Simone Milasas discusses two chapters from the book, Divorceless Relationships, with Paula Peralta; Getting To Know Your Body and Secrets To Great Sex.
If you have total communion with your body, then you can have great sex; because it’s your body that copulates. Embodiment should be about joy in your body, and your body being a contribution to you and you being a contribution to your body and being. Treat your body like a best friend.
There is only one thing you want hard in life!
Keys to success
- Stop Judging Your Body
- Greater Communion With Your Body
- Have Gratitude For Your Body
- Communion & Relationship
- Holding Onto A Relationship
- Winners, Losers & No Counts
- Sex, Sexuality, Copulation & Intimacy
- Great Copulation
- Your Body Doesn’t Have A Judgement
- Too Tired To Copulate
- Positive Judgements
- Being Orgasmic Energy
- The Joy of Embodiment
Daily Questions
- “Body, what do you require?”
- "What would it take to choose lovers who are nurturing, who are fun?"
- "Will this person be nurturing for me?"
- “Is this working for me and my body? Is this fun for me? Is this joyful?”
- “Body, who would you like to have sex with?"
- "How does it get any better than that? What else is possible?"
- "What else is possible for me and my body today?"
Useful Links
- The Clearing Statement explained
- Access Consciousness Website
- Simone Milasas’ Website
- Simone Milasas’s Instagram
- Relationships Done Different Website
- Relationships Done Different Intensive, online class with Simone Milasas
- Divorceless Relationships, book by Gary M. Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer
- Relationship, Are You Sure You Want One, book by Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt
- Sex Is Not A Four Letter Word, But Relationship Often Tmes Is, book by Gary M. Douglas